Welcome to the subject « Fundamentals of Traumatherapy » in March this year. The studies will be held in May from 3 to 6.
The educational project exists in Ukraine from 2016 in the result of collaboration between Regent University (Virginia Beach, USA) and International Institute of Postgraduate Institute (Kyiv, Ukraine) and designed for a wide range of students who share Christian values.
It is the first level of the Program “”Psychological Counseling”, specialty “Traumatherapy».
Not only psychologists are invited to the studies but also volunteers, church ministers, chaplains, students. For the latter – this is not only a chance to face the specialty in real conditions, but also, in the presence of a valid student card – a significant reduction in the cost of education.
This first subject will be useful for those who are just looking for their way in psychology, want to feel the topic, navigate, learn the basics of first aid, both for themselves and other.
Upon completion of the training, the participants will receive a certificate from International Institute of Postgraduate Education supported by Regent University, which provides:
– 20 points of continuous professional development in accordance with the paragraph 3.4. Appendix 5 of the Procedure of certification of doctors approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No.446 of February 22, 2019
– 30 hours of professional development of pedagogical workers in accordance with the paragraph 6 of the Procedure of professional development of pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.800 of August 21, 2019 and the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on training and certification of teaching staff No.1/9-683 of November 04, 2019.
The program is licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine (Decree No.509-Л of May 15, 2019)
Participants will gain knowledge within the following disciplines:
1. Introduction to trauma therapy
2. First psychological help.
3. Compassion fatigue and stress management.
4. Psychological help while grieving and experiencing a loss.
5. Reintegration of military families after warfare.
More details are on the siteДетальна інформація на сайті: https://www.americanprogram.net
Tutition: 4000 UAH, for students 2000 UAH.
mandatory prepayment of 1000uah until the beginning of the studies.
Beneficiary: LDT “International Institute of Postgraduate Education” (ТОВ «Міжнародний інститут післядипломної освіти»)
Account: UA373005280000026005455057520
ID: 42276128
Bank of beneficiary: ОТP Bank
Bank Code: 300528
Purpose of payment: Payment for educational services.
Subcription by link: https://forms.gle/o6odSyEhQmEJKnY76
Attention: Keep the electronic version of the receipt, as it must be downloaded to the Google registration form. Please keep a receipt for payment to provide it on the first day of training, if necessary.
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